Burdwan Municipal High School had its auspicious inception in the year 1883. Since then began its splendid journey along the avenue of education. This age-old school of over 100 years has been successfully able to produce many legendary personalities of singular talents who have left indelible mark in the pages of long history of the school.
It is one of the best schools in West Bengal, claiming an exalted position of dignity and diction. Its exotic location in the nearest access of Bijoy Toran, formerly Curzon Gate, in the town Burdwan, gives rise to an ingredient of every advantage of an easily reachable place. Now it stands as a witness of its glorious past, a votary of vibrant present and an aspirant of a rosy future.
The present school had its seed in Brahmo Samaj Boys' School (later renamed Burdwan English School) which was established by Maharshi Debendranath Tagore, along with Adi Brahmo Samaj, Burdwan chapter in 1855. Bhagaban Chandra Basu, the then Deputy magistrate of Burdwan and father of Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose, was one of its founders.
After the demise of Mahatab Chandra the Brahma movement in Burdwan became weak through lack of patronage. The school was in dire financial straits. The crisis was over when Burdwan Municipality took over the school and Burdwan Municipal School started its journey anew on 1.1.1883.
For lack of a campus of its own, the school had to move to different places. Some of the photos of this heritage school is available in the Photo gallery. The addresses are as follows:
Buckley's kuthi
Rashik Krishna Bhaban
Lal Kuthi
Pal Building
Jiafat Manjil, Akiat Manjil,(Dhal Dighir Kuthi)
Midda Pukur Kuthi
The New Building
Jiafat Manjil, Coxhead Building
1942 -1945
The New Building
Centenary Building